New Year, New Start to 2025.
Massive savings on a wide range of offers during our January Sale Event.
Whether you're looking for a brand-new car, a quality-approved used vehicle, a fantastic lease deal or servicing and repairs, through to our very own Peter Cooper Service Plans, we've got something for everyone!
What’s on offer?
Hurry, offers end January 31st!
Click the links below to see our latest offers.
Hurry, Offers End January 31st!
There’s never been a better time to purchase a brand-new or approved used car. With unbeatable savings, incredible offers, and flexible finance options, your dream car is closer than ever.
Volkswagen Hedge End
Tel: 01489 357247
Volkswagen Shirley
Tel: 02380 012750
Volkswagen Portsmouth
Tel: 02392 001553
Volkswagen Chichester
Tel: 01243 210812